Travel Tips

Avoiding Scams and Rip-offs in Cambodia


When traveling to a new country, it’s important to be aware of potential scams and rip-offs that can occur. Cambodia, with its rich culture and beautiful landscapes, is no exception. By being vigilant and following a few simple steps, you can greatly reduce the risk of falling victim to scams and enjoy a safe and hassle-free trip.

Tuk Tuk Scams

Tuk tuks are a popular mode of transportation in Cambodia, especially in cities like Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. While most tuk tuk drivers are honest and reliable, there are a few who may try to take advantage of unsuspecting tourists.

To avoid tuk tuk scams, it’s important to negotiate the fare before getting into the vehicle. Ask the driver for an estimated price or agree on a fixed rate before starting the journey. Additionally, make sure to clarify the destination and any stops along the way to avoid any misunderstandings.

It’s also a good idea to have small bills and change ready to pay the fare. Some drivers may claim that they don’t have change in order to overcharge you. By having the exact fare or smaller bills, you can avoid this common scam.

Money Exchange Scams

When exchanging money in Cambodia, it’s essential to do so at reputable establishments such as banks or authorized money changers. Avoid exchanging money with individuals on the street, as they may offer better rates but could be involved in scams.

Before exchanging your money, always check the current exchange rates to ensure you are getting a fair deal. Count the money you receive in front of the cashier and be cautious of any distractions or attempts to swap bills. If possible, use smaller denominations to minimize the risk of receiving counterfeit notes.

Street Vendors and Shopping Scams

While exploring the markets and streets of Cambodia, you may come across street vendors selling a variety of goods. While most vendors are honest, there are a few who may try to sell counterfeit or overpriced items to unsuspecting tourists.

Before making a purchase, take the time to compare prices and quality from different vendors. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of high-pressure sales tactics and be prepared to walk away if you feel uncomfortable or unsure about a purchase.

It’s also important to be cautious when using your credit card for purchases. Only use reputable establishments that have secure payment systems in place to avoid any potential credit card fraud.

Transportation Scams

When traveling between cities or popular tourist destinations in Cambodia, it’s important to be cautious of transportation scams. Some bus companies or taxi drivers may overcharge or take longer routes to increase the fare.

Before booking a bus or taxi, do some research and read reviews to find reputable companies or drivers. If possible, ask for recommendations from locals or fellow travelers. Agree on the fare or price before starting the journey and make sure to clarify any additional charges or fees.

It’s also a good idea to keep your belongings secure and within sight when using public transportation. Pickpocketing can occur in crowded buses or trains, so be mindful of your surroundings and keep valuables in a secure bag or pocket.


While scams and rip-offs can happen anywhere in the world, being aware and prepared can greatly reduce the risk of falling victim to them. By following these simple tips and staying vigilant, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip to Cambodia, free from scams and rip-offs.

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